Red plum(GBattractant)
Sat, 04 May 2019 15:30:01 JST (2041d)
Top > Red plum(GBattractant)
Red plum
Liquid attractants by Smart Boils company, one of the leaders of groundbait component production. Containing neatural components, they can enhance your groundbait mixture's or bait's flavor essentially.
- アイテムの詳細
Red plum ★ 4.0 Level 11 Skill(%) 80 販売価格 Mosq Wind OldB Bela Kuor Volk Sura Lado Gold 3.85 -
販売価格欄の地名略称の解説 |
Mosq=Mosquito Lake Wind=Winding Rivulet OldB=Old Burg Lake(やや高い) |
Red plumの効果
Red plumを使うレシピ
- 植物性
- 果物
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