
Sat, 14 Dec 2019 11:40:03 JST (1795d)
Top > Sinkers


For float fishing Edit

Float fishingのリグを組むときにこっそり使用されているガン玉。ラインブレイクなどをすると減っていく。

MiniSinkers Set2.0Regular lead-- g03.00-Express Fishing50 pcs
Tackle storeで販売されているガン玉
A set of weights0.0Regular lead-- g00.00-50 pcs
The Cottage PondのHouseを調べると入手できるガン玉(詰み防止用タックルの1つ)

For bottom fishing Edit

Bottom fishing用のシンカー

Classic Edit


Pear Sinkers1.0For bottom fishingSwivel15 - 120 g01.20 - 2.40-Express Fishing遠投性に優れた六角系の断面構造を持つ梨型(こちらで言うところのナス型)
Flat sinker3.5For bottom fishingSwivel14 - 140 g05.80 - 6.80-Westhill泥のような柔らかい底質でも問題なく使用できる形状
Pyramid sinker3.5For bottom fishingSwivel14 - 140 g09.40 - 11.70-Westhill空気抵抗を軽減し、強い流れの中でも底での位置を維持する
Frame sinker3.5For bottom fishingSwivel28 - 170 g013.80 - 15.45-Westhill四角い形状とスパイクでどんな底質でも位置をキープし、強い流水域でも使用できる。特殊な塗装がされており見えづらい
FlyCast sinker4.5For bottom fishingSwivel14 - 140 g023.25 - 24.90-Westhill高精度な遠投をするのに最適。耐摩耗性のあるポリマーでコーティングされており目立たない
Arrow sinker4.0For bottom fishingSwivel14 - 140 g030.80 - 32.90-Westhill根がかりしやすい泥状の底質での使用に適した形状
C-Lead SW M-CB5.0For bottom fishingSwivel30 - 140 g036.50-Simmons
C-Lead SW M-SPH5.0For bottom fishingSwivel30 - 140 g036.50-Simmons
CL Flat Clay SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel20 - 90 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Flat Stone SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel20 - 90 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Flat Pear Clay SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Flat Pear Green SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Flat Pear Sand SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Flat Pear Stone SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Pear Clay SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel30 - 130 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Pear Green SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel30 - 130 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Pear Sand SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel30 - 130 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Pear Stone SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel30 - 130 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Square Pear Clay SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Square Pear Green SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Square Pear Sand SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Square Pear Stone SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
C-Lead SW M-GRP5.0For bottom fishingSwivel70 - 230 g039.80-Simmons
C-Lead SW M-RCK5.0For bottom fishingSwivel70 - 180 g041.50-Simmons
C-Lead SW M-ZP5.0For bottom fishingSwivel60 - 180 g041.50-Simmons
C-Lead SW M-HOR5.0For bottom fishingSwivel70 - 180 g043.50-Simmons
CL Rocket Clay SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel50 - 190 g045.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Rocket Green SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel50 - 190 g045.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Rocket Sand SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel50 - 190 g045.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Rocket Stone SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel50 - 190 g045.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Zip Clay SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel60 - 150 g045.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Zip Green SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel60 - 150 g045.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Zip Sand SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel60 - 150 g045.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Zip Stone SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel60 - 150 g045.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Gripp Clay SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel30 - 170 g049.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Gripp Green SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel30 - 170 g049.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Gripp Sand SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel30 - 170 g049.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Gripp Stone SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel30 - 170 g049.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Horizon Clay SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel50 - 160 g049.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Horizon Green SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel50 - 160 g049.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Horizon Sand SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel50 - 160 g049.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Horizon Stone SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel50 - 160 g049.80-Helen Van Zandt
C-Lead SW M-TLB5.0For bottom fishingSwivel60 - 140 g051.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Trilob Clay SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel60 - 150 g064.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Trilob Green SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel60 - 150 g064.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Trilob Sand SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel60 - 150 g064.80-Helen Van Zandt
CL Trilob Stone SW5.0For bottom fishingSwivel60 - 150 g064.80-Helen Van Zandt

Inline Edit


C-Lead IN M-CB5.0For bottom fishingInline30 - 140 g036.50-Simmons
CL Flat Clay INL5.0For bottom fishingInline20 - 90 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Flat Stone INL5.0For bottom fishingInline20 - 90 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Flat Pear Clay INL5.0For bottom fishingInline20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Flat Pear Green INL5.0For bottom fishingInline20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Flat Pear Sand INL5.0For bottom fishingInline20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Flat Pear Stone INL5.0For bottom fishingInline20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Pear Clay INL5.0For bottom fishingInline30 - 130 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Pear Green INL5.0For bottom fishingInline30 - 130 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Pear Sand INL5.0For bottom fishingInline30 - 130 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Pear Stone INL5.0For bottom fishingInline30 - 130 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Square Pear Clay INL5.0For bottom fishingInline20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Square Pear Green INL5.0For bottom fishingInline20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Square Pear Sand INL5.0For bottom fishingInline20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
CL Square Pear Stone INL5.0For bottom fishingInline20 - 120 g038.90-Helen Van Zandt
C-Lead IN M-HOR5.0For bottom fishingInline70 - 180 g043.50-Simmons

For jigging rigs Edit

Spin fishingでthree-way rigやdrop-shot rigを組むときに使用するシンカー。

Drop Sinkers1.5For jiggingSwivel12 - 36 g02.80 - 3.00-Express Fishing遠投が可能で、よく変化を感じることができる形状の鉛製
Shot sinker stick3.5For jiggingSwivel1 - 28 g87.00 - 8.90-Simmons根がかりしにくいスリム形状の高比重タングステン製

Bullet sinker for jigging rigs Edit

Spin fishingでTexas rigやCarolina rigを組むときに使用するシンカー。

Bullet Sinkers1.0BulletSwivel3.50 - 28 g04.30 - 5.00-Express Fishing柔らかい鉛製のバレットシンカー
Black Bullet4.0BulletSwivel1.75 - 28 g89.10 - 11.80-Simmons黒色で高い耐久性を持つコーティングが施された鋼鉄製バレット

Marker Edit

C-Lead SW M-Marker5.0MarkerSwivel85 - 135 g069.80-Simmons
CL Marker Lead SW5.0MarkerSwivel80 - 140 g098.50-Helen Van Zandt

最新の10件を表示しています。 Sinkers/コメント

  • ★とLv

    -- ID:JhIAaZrTOec 2019-12-07 (土) 18:36:48

    • Lvまた忘れた・・・。

      -- c ID:q.Oj/8xLaOk 2019-12-12 (木) 17:57:04

      • end

        -- c ID:q.Oj/8xLaOk 2019-12-14 (土) 11:40:35

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