Mirror Albino Carp のバックアップ差分(No.4)

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  • 削除された行はこの色です。



|&attachref(./Mirror Albino Carp.jpg);|

*Mirror Albino Carp [#Name]

**説明 [#description]

The main difference between the albino type of the mirror carp and common carp species is the absence of pigmentation in their scales and skin, which is why they have a pale, almost white body color. Albinos are not as hardy and their eyes are more sensitive to sunlight, therefore they often prefer dark and shaded places. In all other respects, these fish do not differ from common mirror carp.



**クラスのボーダーライン [#borderline]
|Record(緑旗)| kg 以上|
|Trophy(黄旗)| kg 以上|
|Rare Trophy(青旗)| kg 以上|

**攻略 [#kouryaku]
-[[The Amber Lake]]

