Pumpkinseed Sunfish のバックアップソース(No.3)



*Pumpkinseed Sunfish [#Name]
//|~Baitfish(生餌素材)| -  g|
|~Record(緑旗)|BGCOLOR(#eeffee):, g|
|~Trophy(黄旗)|BGCOLOR(#ffffee):, g|
|~Super Trophy(青旗)|BGCOLOR(#eeeeff): g|

**説明 [#Description]

The Pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) is a Sunfish that was introduced to Europe from North America. In its natural environment, it can be found in many European water bodies, including rivers flowing into the Black Sea. 
The sunny perch has a high, flattened body and can reach 40 cm in length. Its bright color can vary from silver-green to red-orange. 
This fish prefers shallow shoreline areas. You can catch it using both, the float and the spinning.


**棲息地 [#Habitat]
//-[[[The Cottage Pond]]
//-[[Mosquito Lake]]
//-[[Winding Rivulet]]
//-[[Old Burg Lake]]
//-[[Belaya River]]
//-[[Kuori Lake]]
//-[[Bear Lake]]
//-[[Volkhov River]]
-[[Seversky Donets River]]
//-[[Sura River>Sura river]]
//-[[Ladoga Lake>Ladoga lake]]
//-[[The Amber Lake]]
//-[[Akhtuba River]]

**情報 [#Info]

***&size(18){%%%習性%%%}; [#Info_Habit]


***&size(18){%%%おすすめスポット%%%}; [#Info_Spot]
|~釣場|~セル|>|~座標|~方角|~距離&br;(C = クリップ)|~地質|>|>|>|~タックル|
