Eel のバックアップソース(No.5)

*Eel [#top]



**説明 [#description]

The Eel lives in numerous water bodies in the European part of Russia. Its body is long, snake-like and slimy. Its scales are very small. The eel's coloring depends on its age. Young eel is distinguished by a dark-olive back and a yellowish white belly. Adult eel's belly color changes to silvery white. The eel's dorsal fin, fused with its caudal fin, starts far behind its pectoral fins. Eel prefers
still water, but can be found in water bodies with strong currents as well. It mainly stays in bottom water. It shelters under snags and in underwater plants. Eel may reach a length of 2 m and a weight of 4 kg.



**クラスのボーダーライン [#borderline]
|Record(緑旗)|500 g -|
|Trophy(黄旗)|4.0 kg -|
|Rare Trophy(青旗)|7.5 kg -|

**攻略 [#kouryaku]
-Worm系の餌、Pieces of fishやソフトプラスチックルアーで釣ることができる。(捕食魚扱いなのでスプーン、プラグ類でも釣れなくはない)
-[[Old Burg Lake]]
-[[Volkhov River]]
-[[Sura river]]
-[[Ladoga lake]]

