Volga Zander のバックアップ(No.1)

Volga Zander Edit



説明 Edit


  • English
    The Volga Zander (Sander volgensis) belongs to the same genus as the Zander (Sander lucioperca). It inhabits rivers of the basins of
    the Caspian Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea, mainly living in the lower and the middle course. The volga zander occurs in
    Tsimlyansk, Volgograd and Kuybyshev reservoirs. It prefers clean water with moderate currents and a pebble or sandy bottom.
    Young fish (up to 4 cm) feed on benthos. On the second year of its life cycle, the juvenile volga zander turns predatory. Having
    reached a length of more than 15 cm, it feeds solely on fish.
    Visually volga zander is different from common zander: its snout is much shorter and wider, its teeth are sharp like those of perch
    (with no protrusive fangs), cheeks, unlike those of zander, are covered with scaling. Its coloration is almost the same as that of
    zander, its back and flanks are greenish gray too, yet the transverse stripes on its body are more pronounced and more regular of
    shape. Due to the absence of fangs and the relatively narrow throat, it can't grab a prey bigger than 3 to 5 cm.
    Volga zander loses to common zander in its size as its weight doesn't exceed 2 kg. Its maximum length is about 45 cm. An average
    volga zander weights from 0.8 to 1.2kg.
  • 日本語
  • その他の情報

クラスのボーダーライン Edit

Rare Trophy(青旗)

攻略 Edit

  • (お勧めの釣り場、釣り方あれば編集お願いします。)
  • Sura river


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URL B I U SIZE Black Maroon Green Olive Navy Purple Teal Gray Silver Red Lime Yellow Blue Fuchsia Aqua White