Frame-Sided Albino Carp のバックアップ(No.3)
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- Frame-Sided Albino Carp へ行く。
- 1 (2020-01-31 (金) 16:58:32)
- 2 (2020-03-04 (水) 11:12:05)
- 3 (2020-05-19 (火) 20:18:06)
- 4 (2022-01-27 (木) 20:55:29)
- 5 (2022-03-19 (土) 10:24:25)
Frame-Sided Albino Carp
- English
Just like other albino fish, this type of frame-sided carp has a light body color, which is caused by the lack of pigmentation in its scales and skin. In addition, frame-sided albino carp's eyes are more sensitive to sunlight, which is why they prefer shaded areas of a water body. In all other respects, these fish do not differ from common frame-sided carp.
- 日本語
- その他の情報
クラス | 重量 |
Record(緑旗) | kg 以上 |
Trophy(黄旗) | kg 以上 |
Rare Trophy(青旗) | kg 以上 |
- (お勧めの釣り場、釣り方あれば編集お願いします。)
- The Amber Lake
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