Ludoga whitefish のバックアップ(No.4)

Ludoga whitefish Edit

Ludoga whitefish.jpg


説明 Edit


  • English
    Ludoga whitefish is a subspecies of common whitefish, which lives in the cold waters of Ladoga and Onega lakes. The word "ludoga" comes from "lud",which means a stony area under the water, thisfish prefers such areas, hence the name of the subspecies. Its appearence is distinguished by a small head, thinner in the front. It has a protruding upperjaw, which forms a convex nose. lts eyes are silvery. It feeds on small crustaceans, mollusks, fish roe. its body length is from 30 to 50 cm, average weight amounts to 800-900 g.

  • 日本語

  • その他の情報

クラスのボーダーライン Edit

Record(緑旗)g -
Trophy(黄旗)3.0 kg -
Rare Trophy(青旗)5.0 kg -

攻略 Edit

  • (お勧めの釣り場、釣り方あれば編集お願いします。)
  • Ladoga lake


最新の15件を表示しています。 Ludoga whitefish/コメント

  • 18時頃・14.5度・雨、座標90:31から西方向にテキサスリグのLynns Minnow80-001をキャスト・Jig stepで3.179kgのtrophy。基本経験値9536、72.45シルバー

    -- 管理人◆UaSxk6bRfMk ID:P2zb1uomnmI 2018-11-24 (土) 01:18:31

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