Stellate Sturgeon のバックアップ(No.4)

Stellate Sturgeon Edit

Stellate Sturgeon.jpg


説明 Edit


  • English
    The representative of the sturgeon family. Habitat - basins of the Caspian, Black and Azov seas. The basis of the diet of stellate sturgeon is crustaceans, adults also feed on fish. The characteristic appearance of this fish is due to the highly elongated shape of the nose, the length of which is about 60% of the entire length of the head. The back of stellate sturgeon, as a rule, is black-brown, the sides are light, the belly is white. Stellate sturgeon is somewhat inferior in its size to most sturgeon. The average weight of stellate sturgeon is about 7-10 kg, however, some individuals reach a length of more than 2 m and a weight of 80 kg.

  • 日本語

  • その他の情報

クラスのボーダーライン Edit

Record(緑旗)kg -
Trophy(黄旗)50 kg -
Rare Trophy(青旗)70 kg -

攻略 Edit

  • (お勧めの釣り場、釣り方あれば編集お願いします。)
  • Akhtuba River


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URL B I U SIZE Black Maroon Green Olive Navy Purple Teal Gray Silver Red Lime Yellow Blue Fuchsia Aqua White