Zander のバックアップ(No.4)

Zander Edit



説明 Edit


  • English
    The Zander is a valuable game fish in the Percidae (perch) family. Though not related to the pike, it's also called Pike-Perch. It is widespread in desalted basins of the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, in big and medium-sized rivers of Eastern Europe and Asia, in big lakes: Ladoga Lake, Lake Peipsi (Chudskoe), Lake Seliger etc.
    Two forms of zander are discerned based on the life cycle: freshwater and semi-diadromous. Non-migrating freshwater zander inhabit rivers and clean lakes;semi-diadromous occurs in brackish water in southern seas and moves upstream (to the Dniepr, the Volga, the Ural River, the Don and the Kuban) to spawn.
    Zander chooses water bodies with favorable oxygenation. Usually it stays in the bottom water, preferring areas with sandy or stony bottom. It comes to the top water and shallows only in the period of spawning or when chasing its prey, normally in the morning or in the evening. Zander is an aggressive predator. It feeds on fish, frogs and crustaceans.
    Its body is elongated and flattened along flanks. The back and the top of its head are greenish gray, the abdomen is white. There are brownish black stripes on its flanks. On its jaws, there are pronounced fangs. Between the rays on its dorsal and caudal fins, there are aligned dark spots. The rest of fins are pale yellow. Zander is the largest fish in the perch family. Its maximum length is 1.3 m, the biggest specimens weight 20 kg. An average zander is 60 to 70 cm long and weights from 2 to 4kg.
  • 日本語
  • その他の情報

クラスのボーダーライン Edit

Rare Trophy(青旗)12kg以上

攻略 Edit

  • 深い場所にルアーを通すと釣りやすい。浅い場所ではあまり釣れない。
  • Winding Rivulet
  • Belaya River
  • Volkhov River
  • Sura river


最新の10件を表示しています。 Zander/コメント

  • Volkhov River(63:87) 深場?黒い丸の方面へキャスト。 jigging rig [Berserk Hooks Avenger Jig s#2 25g] + [Quicker 4.5-007] を使用。8.968kg でTrophy XPは28025でした。ラインはBraided line + Steelのリーダー

    -- てんちょちょ ID:FrxNIfaCgjo 2018-08-29 (水) 22:39:22

  • アプデにより経験値と価格上昇

    -- ID:7p9KXFjP8GU 2021-12-23 (木) 12:26:12

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