Perch のバックアップ(No.6)

Perch Edit



説明 Edit


  • English
    The Perch is one of the most widespread freshwater fish species in Europe and Russia. It prefers flatland rivers and lakes with flowing water. Perch is a nimble and voracious predator. Usually its prey includes not only smaller fish (even of its own species), but also various invertebrates, e.g.crayfish, and fish roe. Perch outstrips pike in voracity.
    Its maximum length is 50 cm, its average weight is about 1.5 kg. Large specimens weight up to 4 kg. The perch is beautifully and vividly colored: the back is dark green, flanks are greenish yellow and crossed with dark stripes. Caudal, anal and pelvic fins are scarlet, pectoral fins are yellow. There are sharp spikes on the opercula. Be careful to avoid injury.
  • 日本語
  • その他の情報

クラスのボーダーライン Edit

Baitfish(生餌)として使える範囲100 - 150 g
Record(緑旗)280 g -
Trophy(黄旗)1.6 kg -
Rare Trophy(青旗)2.6 kg -

攻略 Edit



最新の10件を表示しています。 Perch/コメント

  • Kuori Lakeの崖釣りにて2.703kgで青旗 ルアーはveikko25g-004 経験値3475で40.89シルバー

    -- pi ID:Q3rv/wB6KnU 2018-10-12 (金) 22:06:04

  • 1.784kgで黄旗。Mosquito Lake(51:59)、19:40曇14.9°NW0.5m/s、E方向(ややS)に10m程度キャスト、餌はNightCrawler、針は6、Indiana7.5kgに自作Fluoro6kgのLeader、GB無し、PVAはGround Cracker・Bloodworm・Choppedworm・Dried crustaceans・Clay・Crayfish。In-line rigを使用。

    -- ID:JhIAaZrTOec 2019-04-14 (日) 03:10:18

    • 大体ついでで釣れてるPerchですが、Mosquito LakeだとこいつかIdeに時間を取られると思うので一応。

      -- ID:JhIAaZrTOec 2019-04-14 (日) 03:16:49

URL B I U SIZE Black Maroon Green Olive Navy Purple Teal Gray Silver Red Lime Yellow Blue Fuchsia Aqua White