Zebra Mussel のバックアップ(No.6)

Zebra Mussel Edit

Zebra Mussel.jpg


説明 Edit


  • English
    The Zebra Mussel is a bivalve mollusk, rather wide spread in water bodies of Russia. Zebra mussel shell has a characteristic triangular shape, it is yellow or greenish with typical pattern of zigzagging ortransverse brown stripes. The shell may reach 5 cm in size. Sometimes shells may be darker because of the specific of the water body. These mollusks settle in colonies, getting attached to stone and other objects on the bottom.Zebra mussel meat is a good bait forfishing young or adult bream and even roach. Carp and catfish feast on it with pleasure as well.
  • 日本語
  • その他の情報

クラスのボーダーライン Edit

Record(緑旗)40 g -
Trophy(黄旗)150 g -
Rare Trophy(青旗)210 g -

攻略 Edit

最新の10件を表示しています。 Zebra Mussel/コメント

  • 川ムール貝と比べて釣れない印象

    -- ID:/ReEMN.gqOw 2022-09-09 (金) 15:03:25

URL B I U SIZE Black Maroon Green Olive Navy Purple Teal Gray Silver Red Lime Yellow Blue Fuchsia Aqua White