Russian Sturgeon のバックアップ(No.7)

Russian Sturgeon Edit

Russian Sturgeon.jpg


説明 Edit


  • English
    Russian Sturgeon is a fish of the family Acipenseridae, listed in the Red List of Threatened Species. It lives in the basins of the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Among the rivers, where Russian sturgeon is most common, are the Volga, the Oka, the Klyazma, the Vyatka, the Don, the Dniester, the Danube and the Southern Bug. It lives in the bottom water. Its diet includes mainly mollusks, shrimps, worms and small fish. There are migratory and non-migratory forms. Within the migratory form there are vernal and hiemal races. Recently, the population of sturgeon has decreased greatly due to rapacious fishing. Sturgeon’s snout is relatively short and obtuse. Its unfringed barbels are located closer to the tip of the snout, than to the mouth. Lower lip is interrupted in its center. Its spindle-shaped body, between the rows of scutes, is covered with bony plates having sharp, curved back ends. Body coloration varies from almost black to milky gray or yellowish. An average commercial fish weights from 12 to 15 kg. The maximum reported parameters of Russian sturgeon include a weight exceeding 100 kg and a length of 230 cm.

  • 日本語

  • その他の情報

クラスのボーダーライン Edit

Record(緑旗)5 kg -
Trophy(黄旗)50 kg -
Rare Trophy(青旗)100 kg -

攻略 Edit


最新の10件を表示しています。 Russian Sturgeon/コメント

  • 参考価格。44.28kg 236.46銀。14.425kg 77.03銀。12.527kg 66.89銀。11.847kg 63.26銀。8.567kg 30.19銀。5.348kg 18.84銀。4.505kg 15.87銀、

    -- ID:JhIAaZrTOec 2019-05-24 (金) 19:39:37

    • 44.28kg はロッドスキル0、Wingate FF130XH、Venga10000の摩耗3%程のFriction Brake24-26で49分。

      -- ID:JhIAaZrTOec 2019-05-26 (日) 11:20:59

      • Braidライン使用。釣り方はロッドスキルを切ってて逃げられるのが怖かったので、初心者向けガイドに載せた方法に忠実に。

        -- ID:JhIAaZrTOec 2019-05-26 (日) 11:22:57

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