Chinese Sleeper のバックアップ(No.4)

Chinese Sleeper Edit

Chinese Sleeper.jpg


説明 Edit


  • English
    The Chinese Sleeper, also known as the Amur Sleeper, is common in the Amur River basin, it doesn't migrate to the sea and spawns in the fresh water. Nowadays it is spread in European Russia as well. It inhabits water bodies around St. Petersburg and Moscow as well as in the Urals. The Chinese sleeper is rather undemanding, it feels good in small polluted poorly aerated water bodies, that are dried out in summer and frozen in winter. It can bury itself in silt to wait out adverse conditions. The Chinese sleeper lives in cold marshes, in overgrown lakes, in warm water bodies. It is voracious and almost omnivorous. It feeds on insect larvae, small crayfish, tadpoles, newts and juvenile fish, including that of its own species. In the water bodies, inhabited by Chinese sleeper, there are no mosquito larvae, as it consumes them as soon as they appear. In small water bodies its population grows continuously, and may initially exterminate all other fish species. Chinese sleeper's short firm body is covered with dim scales. The back is grayish green with spots of irregular shape. The belly is lighter than the back. In the period of spawning males turn black. Its large, slightly flattened head in its length equals about one third of the body. There are small sharp teeth in its mouth. The lower jaw is protruded forward. Fins are soft, with no spikes. Pelvic fins are placed close to each other, which is Chinese sleeper's characteristic feature and makes it different from his look-a-like the Goby
    It's a small fish, normally from 8 to 12 cm long, but it may reach a length of 25 cm and a weight up to 300g.
  • 日本語
  • その他の情報

クラスのボーダーライン Edit

Rare Trophy(青旗)700g以上

攻略 Edit


最新の10件を表示しています。 Chinese Sleeper/コメント

  • Nightcrawlerで427gのtrophy。基本経験値266、5.82シルバー

    -- 管理人◆UaSxk6bRfMk ID:qg/U2P4XDys 2018-10-14 (日) 22:11:50

  • アプデにより経験値と価格上昇

    -- ID:7p9KXFjP8GU 2021-12-23 (木) 12:25:29

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