Bleak の変更点

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TITLE:ブリーク (Bleak)



*ブリーク (Bleak) [#Name]
|~Baitfish(生餌素材)|40 - 80 g|
|~Record(緑旗)|BGCOLOR(#eeffee):40 g|
|~Trophy(黄旗)|BGCOLOR(#ffffee):110 g|
|~Super Trophy(青旗)|BGCOLOR(#eeeeff):160 g|

**説明 [#Description]

The bleak is a fish of the cyprinid family. It occurs in Europe, from the White Sea in the north to Caucasus in the south.
Bleak is common in rivers, lakes, ponds with flowing water and reservoirs. It can also be found in brackish water in bays and estuaries.
It prefers open water and avoids overgrown areas, but it enjoys staying near bridges and posts.
This fish is spry, it lives in schools.
It feeds on plankton, insect larvae, aquatic plants, pollen, fish roe.
The body of bleak is elongated and flat.
On its belly, there is a keel without scaling.
Its back is grayish blue with green shimmer, its sides and belly are light with metallic luster.
The fins are gray.
The anal fin is rather long.
Its mouth is turned upwards.
The bleak has big thin fragile scales.
In the old times, the so-called "pearl essence (used in making artificial pearls) was extracted fronm bleak scales.
The bleak reaches a maximum length of 20 cm and a maximum weight from 60 to 70 g.
Lake-and pond-dwelling bleak are usually bigger than river bleak.


**棲息地 [#Habitat]
//-[[田舎の池 (The Cottage Pond)>The Cottage Pond]]
-[[モスキート湖 (Mosquito Lake)>Mosquito Lake]]
-[[曲がりくねった小川 (Winding Rivulet)>Winding Rivulet]]
-[[オールドバグ湖 (Old Burg Lake)>Old Burg Lake]]
-[[ベラヤ川 (Belaya River)>Belaya River]]
//-[[クオリー湖 (Kuori Lake)>Kuori Lake]]
-[[クマの湖 (Bear Lake)>Bear Lake]]
-[[ヴォルホフ川 (Volkhov River)>Volkhov River]]
-[[セヴァースキードネッツ川 (Seversky Donets River)>Seversky Donets River]]
-[[スラ川 (Sura River)>Sura river]]
-[[ラドガ湖 (Ladoga Lake)>Ladoga lake]]
-[[アンバー湖 (The Amber Lake)>The Amber Lake]]
-[[アクツバ川 (Akhtuba River)>Akhtuba River]]
//-[[ツングースカ川 (Tunguska River)>Tunguska River]]

**情報 [#Info]


***&size(18){%%%習性%%%}; [#Info_Habit]


***&size(18){%%%おすすめ餌%%%}; [#Info_Bait]
-赤虫 (Bloodworm)
-ウジ (Maggot)
-ハエ (Fly)

***&size(18){%%%おすすめスポット%%%}; [#Info_Spot]
|~釣場|~セル|>|~座標|~方角|~距離&br;(C = クリップ)|~地質|>|>|>|~タックル|
