Pike の変更点

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TITLE:パイク (Pike)



*パイク (Pike) [#Name]
//|~Baitfish(生餌素材)| -  g|
|~Record(緑旗)|BGCOLOR(#eeffee):1,000 g|
|~Trophy(黄旗)|BGCOLOR(#ffffee):10,000 g|
|~Super Trophy(青旗)|BGCOLOR(#eeeeff):20,000 g|

**説明 [#Description]

The Pike, also known as the Northern Pike, has one of the widest native ranges among freshwater fish species (it includes Northern Europe, Asia and America).
Pike prefer lakes and rivers with weak currents.
It occurs in brackish water (the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Riga of the Baltic Sea, the Sea of Azov).
However, sufficient oxygenation is a mandatory condition Pike are an ambush predators, hunting in riparian thickets, under snags, near fallen trees on sloping areas on the bottom.
It avoids strong currents.
Its diet is based on fish of other species (and sometimes of its own), frogs, crustaceans.
Occasional attacks on ducks, mice and squirrels are also known.
Pike can reach a length of 1.5 mand a weight up to 35 kg.
An average specimen weights about 5 to 8 kg.
The body is elongated and arrow-shaped.
Its long and flat head resembles that of a crocodile.
The specific of the species is that pike's teeth change throughout its life.
Its coloration is blotchy and ranges from grayish green to tawny grey.
There are lighter stripes along and across its body.
The main color depends on the surrounding vegetation.
The back is dark, the belly is whitish with gray flecks.
Dorsal, anal and caudal fins are brownish with black spots.
Pectoral and pelvic fins are yellowish red.


**棲息地 [#Habitat]
//-[[田舎の池 (The Cottage Pond)>The Cottage Pond]]
-[[モスキート湖 (Mosquito Lake)>Mosquito Lake]]
-[[曲がりくねった小川 (Winding Rivulet)>Winding Rivulet]]
-[[オールドバグ湖 (Old Burg Lake)>Old Burg Lake]]
-[[ベラヤ川 (Belaya River)>Belaya River]]
-[[クオリー湖 (Kuori Lake)>Kuori Lake]]
-[[クマの湖 (Bear Lake)>Bear Lake]]
-[[ヴォルホフ川 (Volkhov River)>Volkhov River]]
-[[セヴァースキードネッツ川 (Seversky Donets River)>Seversky Donets River]]
-[[スラ川 (Sura River)>Sura river]]
-[[ラドガ湖 (Ladoga Lake)>Ladoga lake]]
-[[アンバー湖 (The Amber Lake)>The Amber Lake]]
-[[アクツバ川 (Akhtuba River)>Akhtuba River]]
//-[[ツングースカ川 (Tunguska River)>Tunguska River]]
-[[ニズナヤ・ツングースカ (Lower Tunguska River)>Lower Tunguska River]]

**情報 [#Info]


***&size(18){%%%習性%%%}; [#Info_Habit]


***&size(18){%%%おすすめ餌%%%}; [#Info_Bait]
-★ジャークベイト (Jerkbaits)
-活き餌 (Baitfish)
パーチ (Perch)他
-その他ルアー (Lures)

***&size(18){%%%おすすめスポット%%%}; [#Info_Spot]
|~釣場|~セル|>|~座標|~方角|~距離&br;(C = クリップ)|~地質|>|>|>|~タックル|
