Smelt の変更点

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*Smelt [#fish_top]
TITLE:ワカサギ (Smelt)




**説明 [#fish_description]
*ワカサギ (Smelt) [#Name]
|~Baitfish(生餌素材)|40 - 80 g|
|~Record(緑旗)|BGCOLOR(#eeffee): g|
|~Trophy(黄旗)|BGCOLOR(#ffffee):130 g|
|~Super Trophy(青旗)|BGCOLOR(#eeeeff):200 g|

**説明 [#Description]

The European Smelt is a species of fish in the family Osmeridae.They are widespread in the water bodies of the northern hemisphere. European smelt lives in the Baltic sea and the Northern sea, in Onega lake and Ladoga lake, as well as in the lakes of Northern Europe. Smelt shoals school in the deep water, moving to the top water for spawning. lt feeds on plankton, small crabs and crayfish, and Whitefish (including young fish of its own species).The body of all Osmeridae is typically small and slender, resembling a spindle in shape and covered with fragile scales. It is dark on the dorsal surface and silvery along the flanks. Smelt is famous for its fresh cucumber smell. Adult smelt’s average weight ranges from 100 to 200 g, its length is about 20 cm. The undersized (from 5 to 10 cm in length) subspecies found in lakes are known as whitebait.
The European Smelt is a species of fish in the family Osmeridae.
They are widespread in the water bodies of the northern hemisphere.
European smelt lives in the Baltic sea and the Northern sea, in Onega lake and Ladoga lake, as well as in the lakes of Northern Europe.
Smelt shoals school in the deep water, moving to the top water for spawning.
lt feeds on plankton, small crabs and crayfish, and Whitefish (including young fish of its own species).
The body of all Osmeridae is typically small and slender, resembling a spindle in shape and covered with fragile scales.
It is dark on the dorsal surface and silvery along the flanks.
Smelt is famous for its fresh cucumber smell.
Adult smelt’s average weight ranges from 100 to 200 g, its length is about 20 cm.
The undersized (from 5 to 10 cm in length) subspecies found in lakes are known as whitebait.


**棲息地 [#Habitat]
//-[[田舎の池 (The Cottage Pond)>The Cottage Pond]]
//-[[モスキート湖 (Mosquito Lake)>Mosquito Lake]]
//-[[曲がりくねった小川 (Winding Rivulet)>Winding Rivulet]]
//-[[オールドバグ湖 (Old Burg Lake)>Old Burg Lake]]
//-[[ベラヤ川 (Belaya River)>Belaya River]]
//-[[クオリー湖 (Kuori Lake)>Kuori Lake]]
//-[[クマの湖 (Bear Lake)>Bear Lake]]
//-[[ヴォルホフ川 (Volkhov River)>Volkhov River]]
//-[[セヴァースキードネッツ川 (Seversky Donets River)>Seversky Donets River]]
//-[[スラ川 (Sura River)>Sura river]]
-[[ラドガ湖 (Ladoga Lake)>Ladoga lake]]
//-[[アンバー湖 (The Amber Lake)>The Amber Lake]]
//-[[アクツバ川 (Akhtuba River)>Akhtuba River]]
//-[[ツングースカ川 (Tunguska River)>Tunguska River]]

**クラスのボーダーライン [#fish_borderline]
|Baitfish(生餌)として使える範囲|40 g - 80 g|
|Record(緑旗)| g -|
|Trophy(黄旗)|130 g -|
|Rare Trophy(青旗)|200 g -|
**情報 [#Info]

**攻略 [#fish_kouryaku]
-[[Ladoga lake]]

***&size(18){%%%習性%%%}; [#Info_Habit]


***&size(18){%%%おすすめ餌%%%}; [#Info_Bait]

***&size(18){%%%おすすめスポット%%%}; [#Info_Spot]
|~釣場|~セル|>|~座標|~方角|~距離&br;(C = クリップ)|~地質|>|>|>|~タックル|

