レイクトラウト (Lake Trout)

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 21:04:44 JST (824d)
Top > Lake Trout



レイクトラウト (Lake Trout) Edit

Lake Trout.jpg
Record(緑旗)1,500 g
Trophy(黄旗)10,000 g
Super Trophy(青旗)15,000 g

説明 Edit


+  英語
  • 英語
    The Lake Trout is found in the lakes of the north-west of our country, in the Ladoga and Onega lakes.
    It lives in the lakes of Norway, Sweden, Finland.
    Black Sea and Caspian subspecies of trout can also form lake forms.
    In addition, in the cold lakes of the Alps and the Balkans, there are large lake trout, sometimes described as separate species.
    Lake trout live in lakes with cold and clear water.
    It spawns into the fast rivers that flow into the lake.
    It keeps flocks, at a sufficient depth.
    The trout feeds on insects that have fallen into the water, small fish, crustaceans.
    In the appearance of the lake trout, there are all signs of salmon.
    The body is dense with an outstanding abdomen, the head is short, the jaws with sharp teeth.
    Big eyes. The lateral line is well visible.
    The back is dark with a brownish tinge, the sides and belly are silvery white.
    On the sides and back are scattered numerous dark spots.
    The wedding dress is very bright.
    The females are darkened by silvery sides, males appear orange streaks and spots, dorsal fins darken, and the ventral ones turn bright red.
    In general, the color of this fish is very diverse and depends on the color and composition of water and soil, diet and time of year.
    In natural reservoirs, the average body length of the lake trout is 25-30 cm, with a mass of 0.8-1.2kg.
    Large specimens, for example, in Ladoga Lake can reach 8-10 kg.
  • 日本語

棲息地 Edit


情報 Edit




習性 Edit

  • 警戒心が高い魚である。(?)

注意点 Edit

おすすめ餌 Edit

  • スプーン (Spoons)
  • ワブラー (Wobblers)

おすすめスポット Edit


(C = クリップ)

最新の10件を表示しています。 Lake Trout/コメント

  • Lake Trout 9.798kgでTrophyでした(16329exp、83.84シルバー)

    -- ID:tWIogN9vxJo 2018-07-22 (日) 22:22:28

  • 9.898でトロフィーならず、10.313kgでトロフィー。Hunter2 -003。

    -- ID:JhIAaZrTOec 2019-02-11 (月) 17:00:29

    • 10kgに修正しておきます。

      -- ID:JhIAaZrTOec 2019-02-11 (月) 17:01:15

  • F6トローリング中に10.751kgの黄旗、21;11、天候は晴れ、風はNE 0.6m/s、気温は9.1°、Balsa Crank 65F、針は1、Fluoro 27.1kgの自作Leaderを使用、EXP11945

    -- ID:JhIAaZrTOec 2019-03-23 (土) 20:31:11

    • ルアーの色は001の青。Heavy S80XH、Gold80s、Heavy line 38LB SMK 300m、摩耗0.7%のFB26-27設定で2分くらい。

      -- ID:JhIAaZrTOec 2019-03-23 (土) 20:42:54

URL B I U SIZE Black Maroon Green Olive Navy Purple Teal Gray Silver Red Lime Yellow Blue Fuchsia Aqua White