ミラーカープ (Mirror Carp)

Tue, 19 Sep 2023 01:20:56 JST (420d)
Top > Mirror Carp



ミラーカープ (Mirror Carp) Edit

Mirror Carp.jpg
Record(緑旗)3,000 g
Trophy(黄旗)25,000 g
Super Trophy(青旗)40,000 g

説明 Edit


+  英語
  • 英語
    Numerous varieties of carp arose as a result of selection work.
    They share the common carp as their ancestor.
    The Mirror Carp is widely dispersed in fresh water bodies of Europe and Asia.
    The name Mirror Carp refers to the incomplete scaly cover: large scales located along the lateral line have a mirror luster.
    Carp handle a lack of oxygen in the water very well, which makes ponds with standing water and a slightly silted bottom an excellent place for the dwelling of this fish.
    In the choice of food, carp is unpretentious and eats both plant and animal food (plankton, insect larvae, mollusks).
    Rapidly gaining weight, large specimens of mirror carp can reach 30 or more kg.
  • 日本語

棲息地 Edit


情報 Edit



  • 引きはかなり弱め。

習性 Edit

注意点 Edit

おすすめ餌 Edit

  • 切ったジャガイモ (Diced potatoes)
  • ハチミツ生地 (Honey dough)
  • 鯉餌

おすすめスポット Edit


(C = クリップ)

最新の10件を表示しています。 Mirror Carp/コメント

  • 25.325kgでtrophy。30390exp、170.06s。Old Pal Tutti Frutti 15のPaternoster rig。座標55:33から西北西の方向にある葦に25mクリップで投げる

    -- 管理人◆UaSxk6bRfMk ID:qg/U2P4XDys 2018-10-08 (月) 02:57:40

  • 画像要差替。

    -- c ID:3bQW5JqGnEY 2020-05-21 (木) 10:21:23

URL B I U SIZE Black Maroon Green Olive Navy Purple Teal Gray Silver Red Lime Yellow Blue Fuchsia Aqua White