Grass Carp のバックアップ(No.1)
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- Grass Carp へ行く。
- 1 (2018-07-22 (日) 22:09:51)
- 2 (2018-09-20 (木) 00:28:47)
- 3 (2019-03-30 (土) 13:23:35)
- 4 (2020-01-31 (金) 14:23:41)
- 5 (2020-05-19 (火) 22:07:33)
Grass Carp
- English
The Grass Carp-also known as White Amur Carp- is a valuable commercial fish. It is the only species of the genus white cupids,
belongs to the family of carp. It Inhabits the waters of East Asia to southern China. The carp prefers abundantly overgrown ponds,
because it feeds exclusively on plant foods. Moreover, it eats both aquatic and terrestrial plants (for example, in the form of mown
grass thrown into the water). When artificial breed, it becomes omnivorous. The body is elongated and flattened laterally. Fins are
gray, the dorsal and caudal are more dark. The coloring of scales on the back go from greenish to gray-yellow, flanks with golden
tint. The belly is light golden. Pharyngeal teeth are two-rowed and can heavily serrate. The grass carp is a large fish, large
specimens reach 30 kg and a length of more than 1 m.
- 日本語
- その他の情報
同じ重さのCommon Carp、Leather Carp、Mirror Carp等と比較した場合引きが強い気がする。
クラス | 重量 |
record(緑旗) | |
Trophy(黄旗) | たぶん25~30kg以上 |
Rare Trophy(青旗) |
- (お勧めの釣り場、釣り方あれば編集お願いします。)
- Old Burg Lake
- Bear Lake
Campから北西の岸(座標46:60)でLeather carp,Mirror Carpを狙った釣りが人気だがそのついでで釣れる。
餌をDiced potatoesにするとよく釣れる。
最新の10件を表示しています。 Grass Carp/コメント